Learn keyboard shortcuts for QuickBooks Desktop for Windows and Mac

While bookkeeping and accounting tasks play an indomitable role for any organization, they are tiresome and dull to deal with. They consume a considerable period of time and a single mistake can do away with all your hard work. Thus, there are shortcut keys that expedite common operations and work efficiently. QuickBooks, being a leading accounting software, also has many shortcut keys to breeze you through all sorts of common as well as crucial tasks. Thus, it’s more useful to use your keyboard than your mouse to save both time and effort. In this article, we shall delve deeper into all the relevant and essential keyboard shortcuts for QuickBooks software.

Note: Inside a transaction, any underlined letter is a shortcut to a tab between fields. You can use those shortcuts by just pressing Alt+ the letter that is underlined.

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Keyboard Shortcuts for QuickBooks Desktop for Windows

Check out the shortcuts keys to operate your QuickBooks in a seamless manner.

Shortcuts to Edit Transactions in QuickBooks

Keys Action
Ctrl+Del To delete the selected line in a transaction
Ctrl+Ins To insert a blank detail in a transaction
Ctrl+Alt+Y To copy a line in an invoice
Ctrl+Alt+V To paste the copied line to the appropriate row in the invoice
Ctrl+N To create a new transaction or list item
Ctrl+D To delete the current transaction or list item      
Ctrl+E To edit an item in an item list or in a register
Ctrl+O To check in the write checks/checks windows/check register: Use Ctrl+O to copy the check and then use Ctrl+V to create a copy of that check in case you are in the check register.
F5 To refresh a list. This shortcut will only be available if you are in multi-user mode and have a list open. This key will force QB to go back to the database server and retrieve the latest copy of the list. If the list is being edited by multiple users, this may be useful. Please remember that the lists open at the same time should be refreshed.
Ctrl+H Transaction History (used inside a transaction)

Shortcuts for Opening Windows List

Keys Action
+ Increase the number in a form, such as a check/a check number or invoice number
Alt+S To save transaction (s)
Alt+N To save transaction (s) and go to the next transaction
Alt+P Go to the previous transaction
Tab Go to the next field
Shift+tab Go to the prior field
Up arrow Go to the previous line/row in a form
Down arrow Go to the next row in a form
Page up Move, in a form area or report, to the previous page
Page down Move to the next page
Ctrl+page up Move to the first item in a list/register
Ctrl+Page down Move to the last item in a list or register
Ctrl+Enter Record

Shortcuts for Maneuvering

Keys Action
+                                                 Increase the number in a form, such as a check/a check number or invoice number
Alt+S       Save transaction
Alt+N      Save your transaction and go to the next transaction
Alt+P       Go to the previous transaction
Tab           Go to the next field
Shift+Tab              Go to the prior field
Up arrow               Go to the previous line in a form
Down arrow         Go to the next line in a form
Page up Move, in a form area or report, to the previous page
Page Down           Move, in a form area or report, to the next page
Ctrl+Page Up     Move to the first entry in a list or register
Ctrl+Page Down Move to the last entry in a list or register
Ctrl+Enter Record

Read Also: How to Reset Password for QuickBooks Desktop?

Shortcuts for Opening & Closing QuickBooks

Keys Action
Ctrl Hit Ctrl to start QuickBooks without opening a company file
Alt Tap on this key to suppress or avoid opening the desktop Windows while opening a file
Alt+F4 Exit

Date Shortcuts

Keys Action
+ Proceed to the next day
Previous day
T Today
W First day of the Week
K Last day of the Week
M First day of the Month
H Last day of the Month
Y First day of the Year
[ (left bracket) Same day in the previous week
] (right bracket) Same day in next week
; (semi-colon) Same date last month
(apostrophe) Same date next month
Alt+Down arrow Shortcut to open calendar for date selection (a small date calendar)

Keyboard Shortcuts for Memorized Transactions in QuickBooks

Ctrl+MRemember the current transaction
Ctrl+TOpen the list of Memorized transactions

Misc Keyboard Shortcuts for QuickBooks

Ctrl+PGive Prints
Ctrl+R+PIn order to register in QuickBooks, you will have to enter a “validation code.” Open QuickBooks, choose Help, and then About QuickBooks. Press Ctrl+R+P keys when the product splash screen appears where you can enter your validation code.
Ctrl+KQuickBooks Service Keys (Payroll)
Ctrl+Alt+Y Set up YTD Amounts. Open QuickBooks, choose Help and tap on About QuickBooks which opens the splash screen with license and other info. Now, press Ctrl+Alt+Y keys and enter year-to-date amounts for payroll.
F2 and Ctrl+B+QExport to QuickBooks Desktop Online. Tap on F2 and then Ctrl+B+Q. Hit on OK or close the Product Information screen.

See Also: How to Fix Payroll Errors in QuickBooks Desktop?

Standard Text Editing shortcuts

DelDelete characters to the right
BackspaceDelete characters to the left
HomeShortcut to go to the first character in the field
EndTo the last character in the field
Ctrl+Right arrowGo to the next word in a current text field
Ctrl+Left arrowGo to the previous word

Shortcuts for Quick Reports

Ctrl+Q To open a Quick report
Arrow Up/Arrow Down Go up / go down a line
Enter To show item detail and QuickZoom on a report
Ctrl+A Hide/ show header
Ctrl+P Print report or (ALT+T)
Alt+D, then down arrow Change Date Range of Reports
Alt+I Email report as Excel or PDF

Shortcuts for Managing Invoices

Tab or Shift+TabJump to next / go to previous invoice field
Alt+aSave and close
Alt+sSave and New

Shortcuts to Access Main Functions / Windows

Alt+C and Enter Company > Home
Alt+U and Enter (or Ctrl+J) Customer Center > Customers & Jobs list
Alt+O and Enter Vendor Center
Alt+Y and Enter Employee Center
Alt+R and Enter Report Center
Ctrl+I Customer Center > Create Invoice
Ctrl+R Use Register > select account
Ctrl+W Write a new check
Ctrl+T Open memorized transaction list
Ctrl+Y Open transaction journal
Ctrl+A Open Chart of Accounts
Esc (or ctrl+f4) Close active window
Ctrl+Tab/Ctrl+Shift+Tab Jump to next / the previous Window while multiple sub-windows remain open

Also see: How to Fix QuickBooks Error 6130?

Charts of Accounts

Ctrl+AOpen Chart of Accounts
Arrow Up/Arrow DownGo up one line / down one line
Home/EndGo to beginning / go to the end of the account list
A…ZType name of the account to select automatically
Ctrl+ROpen Register (for asset, liability and equity accounts)
Ctrl+QOpen Quick Report for item
Ctrl+EEdit Account
Ctrl+UUse Account
Ctrl+DDelete Account

Shortcuts for QuickBooks Desktop for Mac (for USA only)

ActionKeyboard shortcut
Open the Help windowCommand +?
Minimize current windowCommand + M
Open PreferencesCommand + , (comma)
Open the Product Information window (Product and License number, company file location, etc)Command + 1
 Open the Find Transaction window (Transactions, invoices, etc)Command + F
Hide QuickBooks Command + H

Data Fields on Forms

ActionKeyboard shortcut
Go to the next data fieldTab
Go to the previous data fieldShift + Tab
Copy, paste, undo, cutCommand + CCommand + VCommand + ZCommand + X
Increase or decrease the check or form number by oneor 
Delete the character to the leftDelete

Date Fields on Forms

ActionKeyboard shortcut
Advance a day+
Back a day
Go to todayT
Go to the first day of the weekW
Go to the last day of the weekK
Go to the first day of the monthM
Go to the last day of the monthH
Go to the first day of the year (Jan 1)Y
 Go to the last day of the year (Dec 31)R

Read Also: Resolve Balance sheet Out of Balance in QuickBooks Desktop

Forms and Transactions

ActionKeyboard shortcut
Add a new transaction lineCommand + Y
Delete selected transaction lineCommand + B
Open the full list for the selected dropdown menu (product, service, customer, etc)Highlight the ▼ dropdown menu, then press Command + L
Move between pages on forms and reportsFN +  or 
Print form (or list)Command + P
Memorize current form and its transactionsCommand and + (plus)
Open transaction history (for current form)Command + U

Lists (Customer center, Account Register, Item List, etc.)

ActionKeyboard shortcut
Create a new item on a list (account, customer, product or service, etc.)Command + N
Edit an item on a list (account, customer, product or service, etc.)Command + E
Delete an item on a list (account, customer, product or service, etc)Command + D
Open an Account RegisterCommand + R, then select an account

Start a New Task Anywhere in QuickBooks

ActionKeyboard shortcut
Create a new invoiceCommand + I
Create a new checkCommand + K
Open the transaction journalCommand T
Open the Chart of AccountsShift Command + A
Open the Customer CenterShift Command + J
Open the Employee CenterShift Command + E
Open the Item listShift Command + I
Open the Memorized Transactions listShift Command + M
Open the Vendor CenterShift Command + V

Also See: How to Add an EIN to Existing QuickBooks Payroll Subscription?


With time and practice, you can easily learn the uses of QuickBooks desktop shortcuts keys. They save time and help you be more productive. In case you need any assistance, you can connect with our QuickBooks desktop support team and speak to our certified experts. As a team of professionals, we endeavor to make the QuickBooks accounting software free from any technical hindrances that pop up in the form of error codes and glitches. Our professionals work diligently toward resolving these issues in your favorite accounting software.


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